Main Image
I am going to use this photo as my main image on my poster as you will be able to see the detail of the characters face better as it is a close up shot. The angle is eye view so it looks as though the character is staring at the audience and hopefully this will create the vibe of tension and fear. I will find it easier to edit on the face too as you can see detail and facial expressions better, making the main image look more professional and realistic. By using this image it also links into my trailer as the character is in it, this will make my film poster look more professional and more thought out.
Editing Image
To create the horror aspect of the film poster I am going to edit this skull onto the characters face, I will edit it so half of the skull is showing through the flesh; this will create fear within the audience as this is not something human and it gives of a creepy vibe.
I will use this texture as it will create an old and rusty look to the overall image; it will also create depth in the picture by creating more shadows and dulling any bright colours that are not needed. This texture will smooth out any small errors made when editing the skull onto the face, and overall it will link the image into the genre of my overall trailer and media idea; horror.
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